These audio invocations by Dr. Joel Hamaker will help you learn how to use Violet Flame for self healing. The first one is general and the second one you can use for specific issues. 

 Psychologist and Educator Joel Hamaker , spends his professional time assisting everyday people awaken and use more of their innate potential so they can function at high levels of awareness and accomplishment.  He has been studying the field of meta-normal human states and performance capabilities for over 35 years.  

Joel has taught/trained and counseled people from all walks fo life in numerous skill areas including CPR, financial skills, stress reduction, positive habit change, as well as higher mental functioning.   More of his teaching can be found on his website:

He has hosted radio shows as well as created guided imagery discs and tapes for personal performance and inner well-being.  Dr. Hamaker has been a member of American Board of Hypnotherapy, Association of Transpersonal Psychology, as well as Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. He has been listed in Who’s Who in the East.  He resides in both the Washington DC area and in Sarasota, FL

For more information on Violet Flame, please visit

"To live is to love, to love is to give, to give is to have love".
Love heals all and that is so true. " "All we need is love... "

I want to share simple self healing meditation.

Sit (or lie down) in the spine state, Breath only through the nose, inhale deeply then recite aloud:


Inhale deeply again, feeling divine, loving, healing energy pouring into your body with each inhalation, and repeat the affirmation again. Continue for several minutes, suggested start with 3 or as long as you choose.
Do it loudly and forcefully so that the message sinks into your subconscious !
This is a very powerful affirmation.

Affirm your divinity, start the healing process now!

Start loving yourself so you can love others. Give yourself to you, so you can give yourself to others. Keep giving
— Inderpal Kaur